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Tapestry stitches, sewing techniques…

The content comes partly from the blog of tapestry artist Ferenc Kolonics.


Handcrafting is good. It’s a good feeling when the stitches multiply under the human hand, the pattern becomes colorful, the shape takes shape, and the work is created. Tapestry sewing is like that. It is a very popular needlework, and tapestry sewing is enjoyed by all ages, from small children to pensioners.
It is a pleasure to find the theme itself and choose the right colors for it. Then you have to think about the order of sewing, which can even change during sewing. You have to make a bold decision not only about the use of color, but also about the design of the given pattern. In this way, it can happen that despite the same preprinted pattern, different works are created. Even the same seamstress cannot make the same tapestry image twice! The magic of creation, the excitement of creativity, which can make tapestries obsessed.

The ingredients

There can be many types of tapestry materials – depending on the size of the holes and the number of stitches – from traditional tapestry with large holes to needle tapestry. Bella Gobelin products can be ordered in two different hole densities. Before placing a product in the basket, you must indicate whether you want to order the product in normal (44 stitches/10 cm) or needle (88 stitches/10 cm) canvas.
It is most often made with a split embroidery. Wool yarn is also used for sewing everyday items. For Bella Gobelin products, if the customer orders a complete set (with color-selected embroidery thread), we usually pack Venus and Puppets threads.
We use a blunt needle or a knitting needle, which can be purchased in several sizes.
It is recommended to use a standing frame for larger tapestries, while for smaller sizes it is recommended to use desktop or even hand frames, on which the material is stapled.
Sewing techniques
Three types of stitching techniques are known in tapestry sewing. On the color of the work, all three present the same image, but on the background they are clearly distinguishable.

Half cross stitch or spare stitch:
The easiest stitch. We stitch from left to right from bottom to top, and from right to left we stitch from top to bottom, so only right-leaning stitches must be made. In this case, vertical or horizontal lines appear on the reverse side. This is the most economical solution in terms of the amount of yarn used.

Traditional tapestry, pearl or petit point stitch:
The work proceeds from right to left, we stitch from the lower left corner of the stitch stitch to the upper right corner, and then we continue the embroidery in the same way for the stitch to the left of the stitch made in this way. The reverse side is completely different, instead of vertical or horizontal lines, a solid surface consisting of diagonal fibers is created, and of course it also has a higher yarn intake.

Diagonal row tapestry stitch:
As the name implies, it goes diagonally from top to bottom and then back. This type of stitch pulls the canvas the least, for the rest it is recommended to use an embroidery hoop. Its reverse side shows a connected image of threads perpendicular to each other.
Work progress
Stretch the tapestry we are sewing on a frame, so the stitches lie much more nicely next to each other, i.e. the picture does not “go away”. The back of the work always shows how skillful its owner is. The original image must be displayed on the back. This can be achieved if the creator does not use knotting at all. You have to start the work by tucking in the starting thread, you have to catch the thread from below for 4-5 stitches, so that there are no knots when you sew it on. The finish is done by backstitching in the same way, so the back is nice and smooth.
The tapestry is sewn diagonally from left to right, from bottom to top or from top to bottom. For left-handers, of course, the stitch tilted to the left falls on the hand, this has no significance in the picture, just make sure the mesh size is uniform.

Good advice
For the first practice work, choose a picture with a simpler theme, it is easier to sew. Don’t have too detailed a picture, let’s look for a simple idea. Our first image should not be too small, but not too big either. Recommended size: 30X20 cm or 40X30 cm, or 20X30 cm in the smaller size. 30X40 cm.
Whether it’s figures, a still life, or landscapes, it’s worth starting with the detailed motifs in the foreground, filling in the background later so that we don’t have to compromise on the pattern afterwards.
We use the colors boldly, dare to change the shape if it is required, because our own masterpiece is being created, which reflects our creativity.
If the pattern doesn’t come out within one image, don’t do small stitches next to the big stitch. Let’s try to hit the detailed patterns skillfully (for example, the eyes in portraits), different stitch sizes within a work are not beautiful.
An antique effect can be achieved by combining two close shades of one color.
When done
Steam the sewn image on the reverse side with a wet cloth, if it has stretched to one side, iron it by pulling it in the opposite direction, or you can stretch it again while it dries.
Choose a frame that matches the atmosphere of the apartment. Take into account the prevailing atmosphere in the room, decorations, other pictures and picture frames. Although today’s interior decoration boldly combines classic styles with the peasant milieu, or even the modern, it is still beautiful.
However, be careful of one thing, the frame should never take away the attention from the picture!
(Photo source: